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    Usa "spitting image" in una frase

    spitting image frasi di esempio

    spitting image

    1. She was a spitting image of her dear niece

    2. “You’re the spitting image of Bertram, what else?”

    3. was the spitting image of my sister

    4. in which my dad was the spitting image of the composite of the

    5. to him, was the spitting image of Delaney Dixon

    6. The agony created by the underhand way the vultures (anyone who watched Spitting Images will find it hard to hear “journalist” without thinking of pigs or birds of prey) treated many politicians, celebrities, and most hideously the Dowling family, had to create shock waves across the entire Global communications industry

    7. The puppies’ parentage could not be questioned since the puppy on her lap, along with two others in the box, were the spitting image of their father

    8. the spitting image of the country’s

    9. About 80 years ago one of his great, great (times whatever) grandsons was a spitting image of him

    10. Telly was the spitting image of Sylvester Stallone with the qualification that a punch from Rocky would have left Telly smiling while a punch from Telly would have flattened Rocky

    11. He was his father"s spitting image

    12. Where do you think the phrase: ‘a spitting image-of’ comes from? It comes from the first modern humans who tried to duplicate an animal, by spitting its image on a cave wall

    13. was turning into the spitting image of its commander

    14. “You really are the spitting image of your old man

    15. A spitting image of his mother

    16. But out in Galway this morning you kept looking over your shoulder as if she were trotting in the road behind with her spitting image

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